At Home He's a Tourist

He fills his head with culture/ He gives himself an ulcer.

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Ada, or Ardor: A Family Chronicle: A bit too pomo for my tastes (incessant multilingual word play, metafictional asides, polyvalent sexuality), but remains an interesting tale well told of a aristocratic Russian-American couple whose affair is complicated by reason of consanguinity. Again, as in Lolita, the girl is pre-pubescent, which makes me wonder about Nabokov's own proclivities, but at least the lover is only a few years older this time. Clever nihilism.


Listen to a stream of Kate Bush's Aerial at NME.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Nothing interesting to report--I've seen a buncha DVDs, read a few books, downloaded a lot of mildly cheesy 80s pop on iTunes--but I felt the need to update, so here are some metaphysico-geographical musings from David Byrne:

The first and only time I visited Lubbock, I was touring with Talking Heads, and we played there--this must have been about 1979. I liked the flatness, where you'd see a flat landscape with one building stuck up on it. Often you'd see the one building stuck in the middle of that landscape with no trees around it whatsoever. I thought that was kind of great, too. That always seemed existential or something; it seemed like a physical manifestation of man's situation in the universe. A tiny little figure perpendicular to the plane of the earth, basically helpless and shelterless, like a cartoon version of some kind of cosmic situation. It's like what a kid would do: they would first draw a straight line and then stick a person on it, or a house.--from Lubbock Lights (2005)