At Home He's a Tourist

He fills his head with culture/ He gives himself an ulcer.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Book Reviews

Williamson, Edwin. Borges: A Life. Viking.

New York Times: “Williamson is an atrocious reader of Borges’s work; his interpretations amount to a simplistic, dishonest kind of psychological criticism. In case after case, the readings are shallow, forced, and distorted. The biography is probably most valuable in its account of Borges’s political evolution." Economist: “Williamson has done his homework, reading just about every scrap that Borges wrote and interviewing many who knew him well. He has some new theories about his subject, although the deconstructions are a little laboured and repetitive. He is remarkably incurious about some aspects of his subject’s life.” Publishers Weekly: “Dynamic. With just the right balance of fact and insight to make for a composed and not overly inflated biography, Williamson’s psychoanalysis of Borges in love and in alienation is compelling. Replete with the most detailed facts about the air surrounding Borges, the book maintains human drama without overloading on unnecessary facts to create a poignant overview of a peculiar man.” Kirkus: “Trenchant…vividly convincing…Williamson expertly summarizes the years of Borges’s international fame…A literary life of major importance, authoritatively told in an exceptionally fine biography.” Library Journal: “Includes previously unexplored interviews and resources. Williamson’s biography is evidently the first to tackle Borges’s entire life. Recommended for all academic and most large public libraries.”


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